Joshua Banyan Yoga Delft


I came to the Netherlands from the high desert of the southwestern United States. Yoga first found me there, where I was introduced to Ashtanga by an Vietnam veteran who became a yoga teacher after his service in the US army. The strictness of his teaching style (no jewelry, no water, no excuses) appealed to me immediately, as did the progressive, constructive nature of the Ashtanga asanas.
Some years later through a series of happen stance occurrences, I found three teachers at once who inspired me to make yoga an increasingly important part of my life. I now teach in the tradition of these extraordinary beings, with a focus on strong practice, dynamic movement, and the melding of the mental conditioning with the physical.
I strive to open doors of possibility for students on the mat, and like for people to leave my classes as they have done something good and powerful for themselves.