
Banyan Yoga is altijd op zoek naar docenten

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Meer dan 20 jaar geleden volgde ik mijn eerste yoga les. Helaas kwam ik meestal gehaast en gestrest de les binnen vallen en ontging mij geheel de essentie van yoga. Toch was er iets in yoga dat me aantrok en ben ik lessen blijven volgen. Het heeft nog wat jaren geduurd voordat ik de innerlijke rust had om te ervaren wat yoga brengt, maar inmiddels weet ik dat yoga mijn weg is.

Maar over yoga moet je niet praten, dat moet je doen! Dan kom je er vanzelf achter wat het met je doet. Ik hoop je snel in een van mijn lessen te zien!

Cassandra zegt: ‘Yoga een cadeautje aan jezelf, iedere practice weer. En ik wil dat cadeautje met zoveel mogelijk mensen delen.’


Originally from Japan. I am a yoga teacher, a Feldenkrais teacher, and a mother of two. After I devoted my life to dance for 18 years, I encountered yoga. Yoga has been always there for me and it became the simplest way to come back to myself.
Feldenkrais method is also a big passion for me. The method taught me the world and keeps inspiring me. And through the method, I have deep knowledge of anatomy as well.
“The ability to learn in synonymous with free choice and free will.” by Moshe Feldenkrais
Hope to see you in the studio!


Yoga is in mijn leven gekomen toen ik het het meest nodig had. Ik werkte toen heel hard aan mijn carrière en had een gezin om voor te zorgen. Ik reisde in die periode veel en woonde in verschillende landen. Het leek allemaal zo mooi maar het echt te veel. Mijn lichaam reageerde sterk op de situatie, ik had regelmatig last van slapeloosheid en was sterk vermoeid. Toen begon ik mijn eerste yoga lessen te volgen. Het was 2013. Sindsdien is mijn wereld veranderd voorgoed.
Nu ben ik zelf yoga docent en help ik mensen om verbinding te vinden met hun innerlijke krachten, om veerkrachtiger, gelukkiger en energieker te worden. Dit is hoe het normaal zou moeten zijn. Haal diep adem, glimlach, daar gaan we….


My name is Chy. Yoga has been an important part of my life for over 15 years, and my practice has helped me grow stronger, more flexible and fearless. I have always been active, but I got hooked on yoga when I was pregnant with my first child. I have practiced it regularly since.
I went on to become a 200 RYT certified yoga instructor. My style is power yoga, based on the Ashtanga primary series. I am also an avid hiker and marathon enthusiast. I try to see the humor in yoga poses and often practice my yoga poses in amusing environments, such as during a hike, after arriving at the finish line of a marathon, or simply on a frozen lake nearby. For me, yoga is a journey, and I enjoy every stage of it. I would like to share the joy of yoga with you.


Na Kunst en Filosofie studies, vertrok Robinson naar India om te verdiepen in de filosofie van Yoga. Daar begon de fysieke practice te wortelen in haar dagelijks leven, toen ze leerde van Iyengar en Hatha leraren. Eenmaal terug in Nederland werd ze verliefd op Vinyasa. “Het voelde alsof ik eindelijk mijn mind kon beschouwen van een afstand, en echt in mijn lichaam kon rusten. Dat gaf mij zoveel meer plezier in het leven.

Het is mijn passie om anderen te helpen verbinding te maken met hun lijf, en rustiger te laten voelen in hun hoofd. Soms is dat spanning loslaten, soms juist kracht activeren.

In mijn lessen zal ik starten met stabilisatie en vanuit daar begeleiden door vloeiende beweging.”


I came to the Netherlands from the high desert of the southwestern United States. Yoga first found me there, where I was introduced to Ashtanga by an Vietnam veteran who became a yoga teacher after his service in the US army. The strictness of his teaching style (no jewelry, no water, no excuses) appealed to me immediately, as did the progressive, constructive nature of the Ashtanga asanas.
Some years later through a series of happen stance occurrences, I found three teachers at once who inspired me to make yoga an increasingly important part of my life. I now teach in the tradition of these extraordinary beings, with a focus on strong practice, dynamic movement, and the melding of the mental conditioning with the physical.
I strive to open doors of possibility for students on the mat, and like for people to leave my classes as they have done something good and powerful for themselves.


Yoga heeft mij op een hele jonge leeftijd al geraakt. En tot op de dag van vandaag sta ik nog steeds versteld van de wonderen die yoga verricht. Nadat ik mijn yoga teacher training heb gevolgd had ik het gevoel dat ik mijn passie voor yoga met de wereld moest delen. Wat ik graag met jullie zou willen delen is hoe je je lichaam leert voelen. Maar daarnaast ook hoe je je verbindt met je mentale, emotionele en fysieke gezondheid door middel van ademhaling en beweging. Het voornamelijkste doel van mijn lessen zal zijn om te zweten, op te laden en om jezelf beter te leren kennen. Maar het allerbelangrijkste: om van de les te genieten!
Hoop je snel te zien in een van mijn lessen 🙂


Originally from Spain, I moved to Rotterdam in 2010 to pursue my career as a professional modern dancer. Since a very young age, I have loved moving around and expressing myself through dance. However, the demands of the job eventually became overwhelming, leading me to discover the powerful benefits of yoga. Over the years, yoga has not only kept my body and mind healthy but has also opened up a beautiful journey of self-discovery, leading to another passion of mine: providing energy work/therapy.

I teach yoga because I genuinely love sharing the freedom and clarity that it brings into one’s life, and I look forward to seeing you soon on the mat!


My name is Samaneh, lover of nature, animal welfare, and all kinds of yoga styles! I used to do another job. Every morning when I was waking up, thinking is it really what I want to do for my entire life?! Till I found yoga! I had several experiences in doing other exercises but for me, yoga and its challenges were all the things which I needed! It helped me through some of the hardest moments of my life. It was amazing, after several years I found peace, happiness, and health altogether. At first yoga class was just a place to release stress and tension. But later, I was thrilled to do yoga more and more. Then through my be loving and encouraging yoga master, I went to India to pass a series of classes and be certified as an international yoga instructor. The different styles I greeted on this path taught me a lot about yoga and also about myself. On the other hand, it allowed me to fulfil my desire to help people finding calmness and awareness.
I believe that no matter where in the world you are, you can always rely on yoga to speak to you and others.

I hope I can help you finding peace, grow stronger, healthier and happier each and every day! see you soon on your mat!


I got introduced to yoga in 2007 whilst pursuing my BA in Dance studies in London. Ever since then yoga, in many of its forms, has been a part of my life and anchored me to myself during the best of times and the most challenging times.
It wasn’t until 2017 when I got certified but as everyone knows you will always remain a student and the more you know the less you think you know. Hence this journey will probably be a lifelong one.
I like to teach fun transitions in flow and always share the functional aspects of what poses can do for you in your everyday life. If I can instill childlike play in my classes where participants feel okay to fall over and try again and laugh at themselves, then I feel I have succeeded in doing what I came to do.


Yoga has literally helped me stand up after a bad fall from an old ankle injury due to competitive sport while growing up in Malaysia. I was looking for something other than the monotonous routine of the gym to rehabilitate my ankle when the decision was made to step into my first Hatha yoga class. The physical challenge and the inner stillness have kept me returning to the practice.  After some years of regular practice, I completed a Hatha Vinyasa teacher training course in Bali in 2014. My exploration continues through self-practice and attendance of workshops and masterclasses. My classes are a blend of mindful movement and breathwork to help create a calm space within you.


This is me in three words: Openness, exploration, growth. Things that make me smile: Seeing compassionate people committing acts of serving one another.

I teach yoga because I have loved and practiced physical activities since early childhood. In the Summer of 2015 I was randomly introduced to yoga on a beach in Spain. Just by looking, from afar, I began to mirror those asana’s. In that moment; yoga provided me with physical, mental, and spiritual healing. It continues to provide me with the beauty of each present moment while breathing, moving, and connecting with myself.


Hi everyone 🙂 I am Katerina, or officially Aikaterini! I am a yin and vinyasa yoga teacher. Originally from Greece, and living in The Netherlands since 2014. I followed my first yoga class when I first moved to Enschede, and became a student at Banyan shortly afterward. I love long walks outside, in-line skating, fermenting foods, and reading! Yoga helps me get out of my head and into my belly, small steps every time 🙂